Frequently Asked Questions
Here you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about renting a flexible office space.
If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, please feel free to contact us directly.
This business center is located in the “Tanzende Turme (“’Dancing Towers’’) in Dusseldorf’s Medienhafen district. Over 580 companies from various industries are based in the harbor development. The business center provides fully furnished and equipped offices for a single person, larger teams, and executive offices with a separate area for a PA. Conferences, seminars, and workshops for up to 120 people can be organized on-site. A highlight of this property is its jetty, providing direct access from the river Rhein.
Dusseldorf harbor has an excellent infrastructure with plenty of restaurants and bars. It is easily reached by car and is approx. 15 minutes from Dusseldorf's international airport.
Cost-free personal expert support! With us you'll find an office solution that suits your business needs perfectly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about renting a flexible office space.
If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, please feel free to contact us directly.