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The Business Center is located in a building in the area Klovtofte between Roskildevej and the western motorway. The center is situated in a part of the ground floor and the 1st floor, with the possibility to rent one or several offices in sizes from 24 m2 and up. There are common areas such as kitchen facilities and lunch area and there are toilet facilities on both floors. The center is a good choice for smaller businesses that do not need large space and for whom the flexibility and efficiency are keywords.
The building is located close to IKEA and the motorway with direct connection to Fyn, Jylland, Rodby, Helsingør and the bridge to Sweden. It is easy to get to and from the area. There are easy access to train and bus.
Wir beraten Sie kostenlos & unverbindlich zu Ihrer Bürosuche. Wir finden die perfekte Bürolösung für Ihr Unternehmen.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Hier finden Sie Antworten zu FlexOffice-Themen, auf die wir oft von Unternehmen angesprochen werden.
Sollten Sie Ihre Frage auf unserer Website nicht finden, können Sie gerne jederzeit persönlich mit uns sprechen.