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Büro in Philadelphia, Northern Liberties

  • place Adresse: Hancock Street, PA 19123 Philadelphia
  • zoom_out_map Bürofläche: 20 bis 500 m2
  • people Meetingraumgröße: 2 bis 100 Personen

Büro mieten in Philadelphia, Northern Liberties

Occupying two levels of the former Schmidt’s Brewery—inspiration for the huge letters spelling “Cheers” behind the reception desk—this Philadelphia office space makes the most of its industrial space. The original features have been carefully preserved, so you’ll find graceful brick archways, sliding metal doors, and rough concrete columns. There are plenty of comfy common areas inside, and Schmidt’s Commons just outside the front door is a vast space perfect for all sorts of events.

Das bieten Ihnen diese Büroflächen

Details zur Lage in Philadelphia

The very walkable NoLibs neighborhood is known for its great eateries and atmospheric local bars, especially favorites like Standard Tap and Frankford Hall. The office space is just minutes away from the Old City District, the home of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and many other historical landmarks. The Market-Frankford Line has a stop on Girard Avenue, a five-minute walk from the office. There’s also a parking lot located diagonally across the street. Attracting a wide range of businesses, this Philadelphia office space is a great option for artists, designers, and other young entrepreneurs, as well as corporations looking for a local base of operations.

Vorteile des Bürostandorts in Philadelphia

  • location_city Im Stadtzentrum
  • directions_subway Nähe zur S-Bahn
  • subway In der Nähe der U-Bahn

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