Häufig gestellte Fragen
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This centre is a business hub with a friendly and welcoming environment for your business to flourish and thrive. Brand new, state of the art fully air-conditioned contemporary premises provides a mix of open plan and partitioned offices, business lounge, training rooms, IT lab, break-out area and video conferencing. The training rooms also include interactive smart boards for enhanced learning and presentations. Parking is also available.
Wilmington Close is prominently positioned within Watford town centre and has excellent access by road and public transport. The adjacent High Street also offers busy restaurants, cafes and is two minutes walk from the Watford shopping centre. The property is also within convenient walking distance of Watford Junction, Watford High Street and Watford Underground stations which provides frequent services to central London and rest of the country.
Wir beraten Sie kostenlos & unverbindlich zu Ihrer Bürosuche. Wir finden die perfekte Bürolösung für Ihr Unternehmen.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Hier finden Sie Antworten zu FlexOffice-Themen, auf die wir oft von Unternehmen angesprochen werden.
Sollten Sie Ihre Frage auf unserer Website nicht finden, können Sie gerne jederzeit persönlich mit uns sprechen.