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Williams House, with its attractive, modern reception, has approximately 8,000 sq feet of office space available over 5 floors, with individual offices from only 1 workstation up to 20, all with natural light and fitted out with fully furnished modern furniture. There are also meeting and conference rooms available. All offices are fully equipped with state of the art internet and network access; 24 hour security and access; and an efficient, professional and friendly reception service. Access is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week with by a security entry system.
Williams House Cardiff, occupies a prime location between Cardiff Bay and the City Centre and is part of the exclusive Waterfront 2000 development.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Hier finden Sie Antworten zu FlexOffice-Themen, auf die wir oft von Unternehmen angesprochen werden.
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